The California psychology professor put dr Howard and dr Leslie publication of the new book "longevity plan," a book, according to a 1500 children born in 1910 or so, for as long as 80 years of tracking survey data, sums up the long life of the eight special factors. "Good pressure" are beneficial to health. If you hate what is in the work, then work pressure is harmful to health "bad pressure"; If you love a career,Boston Bruins Hats because in career achievement to the pressure, long life good health is the "good pressure". The point is, work must be your lover, and can let you have the sense of achievement. Often attend social activities. Often with their friends and relatives of people live longer contact. Dr. Martin said, in the process of communication to help others, beneficial longevity. If your friend is not much, suggest to take part in social organization or volunteer work. Don't put the pet as the best of friends. A pet indeed beneficial to health, but cannot replace pet after all human contact. Study found that people who have a pet is not better than other groups more longevity. Contrary to the pet replace interpersonal, live shorter. Love is no bad thing to worry about. If you are a love worry about people, maybe that is a good thing. Many examples prove beneficial to health concerns, especially for the men in. When you to a worry, nature will consider may appear a variety of conditions, and make corresponding plan. At this time, to worry about is beneficial harmless. Single can also live longer. "Married to longevity" applies only to those who get married and live a happy life for marriage. A bad marriage will SheShou. Sometimes, a man marries again will ease the damage of divorce, a woman after divorce days can also thriving. The new study found that, maintain a stable single life in fact to prolong life. Prevent excessive optimism. Excessive optimism people often don't have those cautious man care. In order to keep healthy, cautious man know more self protection, less engaged in high-risk activities, for example, smoking, alcohol, drugs or racing, etc. These people also will go away from the bad habits of people. If hate fitness, that just don't fitness. Although fitness beneficial, but the study found that some the longevity in more than 20 years old is not how to exercise, it is through the more interested in, and let their activities up more can live a long life,Buffalo Sabres Hats for example, growing flowers vegetables, of a carpenter, etc. Don't early retirement. Many people think, early retirement beneficial longevity. But the new study found that the old man continue to work than those early retirement live longer. Career is the most successful people usually the least likely die young, healthy working environment and business because of achievement can make people live a happy longer. 
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