Fortune published articles, and said, come from Canada, China, Mexico and other countries around the world in the United States to buy real estate, especially in California and Florida, foreigners can save the American housing market? Since the U.S. real estate bubble since the explosion, house prices fall all the way,NHL Jerseys law take house unabated, many people began to suspect that the so-called own homes "American dream". Even the governments began to think for the American people to rent than to buy a house for house may be more cost-effective. However, just as americans have suspected to have a house, foreigners into the American market in cheap, began to realize the American dream. Experts say the United States foreigners to buy a house in some cities have a stable the role of house prices, such as California and Florida. Foreigners buying a home is the present a window of the real estate market, according to the American association of real estate data, last march to march, foreigners to buy a house value to 82 billion, more than 2010 high in the same period of 66 billion. Which Canada is in the lead, accounting for 23% of the total amount foreigners buy, followed by China, Mexico, British and Indian, etc. Although foreigners buy homes in the United States is not enough to let the United States the trend of the real estate market recovery, but in Florida and California is a good effect. Foreigners now bought house of the United States house 40% of total trading. , the Florida was take house where most method, house prices from 2006 years have been falling, foreigners buy make Florida house prices tend to be stable. In Florida, the house majority is Canadian, now $$to rise, make these have fall of a lot of houses more attractive. In Miami, foreigners buy a house not only make house prices stable,soccer jerseys but also to rent the natives. California real estate market is appropriate to foreign buyers. California house prices from peak in 2007 to 2009 lows fell 59% and now to foreigners here to buy a house many people from China, is especially now the Chinese government in the native to raise interest rates make the housing market has cooled. Foreigners like California city has a Los Angeles, three transgressions, Beverly hills and San Diego. At st Mary's, Chinese buyers in the more prosperous area to snap up the house, this year local house prices to 1.5 million in value, than last year the rose 1.6%. The ninety s when the residents there is mainly white, now 50% of the people are Asian. Foreign buyers can not save the us housing market, but CapitalEconomics according to a report, if China and India's economic expansion of words, American real estate foreign buyers will continue to increase. It shows that the American dream and not die, but in the change.

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