Huge government debt and budget deficit is became americans a collective anxiety. Except a few pursues extreme Keynesian people-such as the Nobel economics prize winner krugman-besides, whether the liberal and moderate and conservative and that debt reduction, it is imperative to reduce the deficit. However, how to implement and influence the development of the economy and employment rate,NFL Jerseys this who in the mind all has no bottom. In the federal government argue at the same time, many local governments but has already launched a balanced budget positive action, the most significant achievements of the region and the capital is a Washington across the river in Virginia. August 18,, the governor MacDonald said in a news release said, following last year's $two hundred million surplus after, this year's financial again five hundred and forty-four million eight hundred thousand dollar surplus. But only in the two years ago, the state's fiscal and about $four billion in the red, accounting for ten percent of the government's budget. The Numbers than the federal government about a third of the deficit ratio, while low many, but because the state is neither the ability of the managers, lending and limited range, so this voters also cause quite crisis. Especially in state government because of the lack of funds and shut down the highway side after a large number of service facilities, the budget deficit is people can feel to get daily phenomenon. 2010 years after he came into power of the current governor, part to immediately began to cut its budget. He way actually very simple also. First, he gave his $one hundred and seventy-five thousand salary minus five percent. The governor was born in the ordinary people, the wife have no job, brought home five children, so this is not cut it not to itch. Follow him and his cabinet ministers and all the wages by five percent. Senior officials in leading by example later, governor of government employees said, because the financial crunch, their wages have frozen for two years. This time, which department can successfully cut expenditure, balance the budget, where employees is a one-time three percent pay increase opportunities. The plan to get the support of the state legislature. Results a few months down, all the departments without exception reached the target, making the state deficit within a few months out of the red. Fiscal surplus makes the state can keep a low tax rates, attracted large quantities of enterprise from the government in the frequency of the bankruptcy in California and other areas to move to Virginia, also moved quickly to reduce the unemployment rate here. The state economy in the virtuous cycle, make this state was again as America the best areas of business environment. The author of the declaration of independence, the third President Jefferson once will state called "the democratic system lab". Most of the social and economic policy, in the national implementation have in place before first on a.NBA Jerseys The whole unification of the federal system, given America's political and economic with great vigor, make this huge countries adapt to the social development of the show all kinds of flexibility. The system of the advantages in America, whether in the future solution to the huge national debt and deficit will have the very big help.

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