Contents: The bet won a girl friend to collect author: The Ji Rui collection of essays source: Original contributions time: 2012-05-22 this days of morning, Wang Zhi and Li Quans put together, Li Quan suddenly hits upon a sudden idea and unexpectedly starts to beat wager with Wang Zhi, and Li Quan says:Wang Zhi, front of the boulevard Be best to be like to come to a women, if the somebody else makes you is a loud and clear tone for her, I give us 12 dogs of the gulf to sew whole body clothes, if you lost, this 12 clothes of dogs are sewn by you, how?Wang Zhi says:Enough stimulate of, go.Must seek a witness, otherwise, the somebody else willingly makes me kiss, you don't believe.Need not look for person, I guard on the road, as long as the somebody else is my noodles let your tone, you can not speak up a word, even if you won.Wang Zhi quickly runs to go home, after entering a house, take out a wine pot from the home,womens sunglasses quick door.Arrive at one flank in the toilet of leaving not far wayside in his house, Wang Zhi puts wine pot in the wayside, oneself entered a toilet.Li Quan's guarding is leaving a toilet not to arrive a 20 meters far wayside and wait for Wang Zhi come with woman's tone that will soon pass by.When that woman once walks toilet, Wang Zhi is from the toilet in come out, picked up wine pot, several steps ran to woman's in front, seeing the other party is a beautiful miss, have no alternative, pull her hand, by hand point at her mouth, and then point at wine pot to do, and she steals the action that the wine drinks.The miss is red face to quickly defend:I don't drink and how can steal your wine to drink?You can ask him.She by hand pointed Li Quan and said:The eldest brother please do a certificate for me, I didn't steal the wine of drinking the dummy, and asking him don't wrong a good person.Li Quan says:Miss, I didn't notice, your stealing had never stolen to drink, does my Zha know?Wang Zhi's hand put to put and signaled hint oneself not to believe, again by hand point the mouth of the other party, point own nose again, important news a smell the mouth of the other party just believe, otherwise want the other party to keep his pot of wine company.The miss doesn't want to say a reason with a dummy, even don't want to without cause keep somebody else's a pot of wine company.She sees Wang Zhi grow very handsome, say with smile;Your important news smells, as long as confirm that I have never stolen to drink your wine to go.Wang Zhi is Li Quan's noodles, his mouth presses near the mouth of miss and came one loud and clear Bo!You really have never stolen to drink my wine, sorry!Please forgive!You expeled the suspicion that I steal to drink.Thank!I walked.Miss, you leave.Wang Zhi by hand points at Li Quan to say:Must be the wine that you stole to drink me.You at joke words, am I to love drinking, how can steal to drink your wine?The miss suddenly adjusts a head to ask a way:Aren't you a dummy?!What name do you call?Why do you want to do like this?I am Wang Zhi, the front is my house, Be not afraid of the door that you go to my house, seek my trouble.As for I why want to do like this, you ask Li Quan, is what he puts forward to make a bet with me.The miss double eye stares at Li Quan and coldly asks a way:You make a bet with him,cheap sun glasses be want him to follow me a beautiful tone?What are you to lose, lose?Sew clothes for 12 dogs.Wang Zhi says with smile.The miss hopes Wang Zhi to say with smile:You are enough intelligent!Make you take advantage of not to say today, you still won the other party.Have no in a couple of days, there is the family that a matchmaker is on Wang Zhi, say Mei for him, Wang Zhi asks matchmaker:Who is the miss ?The matchmaker says with smile:A miss that didn't seek husband's family makes you kiss, the somebody else had to agree to marry you.Wang Zhi Yi listens to and happily say:Really don't thought of, make a bet to win to come to a girl friend                                    This text is original for Ji Rui, the network needs to be redistributed, please note to come from one article story net and mark clearly author, publish such as the paper Mei, the beard is agreed by me.Contact QQ: 827094213                        
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