The life Yin Cao hell of the decade inside, having a soul will soon bear again to turn a life time, the Yan king comes to congratulate.Soul but wear a woebegone expression of say:Turn a life time behavior to have what good congratulation of?Hear, the person is born of a moment is very painful, meeting weep aloud.Childhood the happy but again is brief.Grow up hereafter want to carry on the back to support family the responsibility for making a living, living medium be full of everywhere helpless and sorrow,NBA snapback want pain and sufferings that will soon want to bear one a life time and endure long hardship me happy don't get up?Yan Wang Shuo:Probably don't bear again is a good matter to you, however you why not try to live 10-year soul to finish listenning to helplessly say:That is all right!I live a decade hence the Yan king gave soul for decade of life.Soul in this decade in well enjoy the parents' care and doter, living lead unrestrained, happiness matchless, can by this time his life span but arrive.The soul returned to a hell again and arrived at Yan in front king.Cry to lose a face to say:The decade leads really finish saying quickly the parents whom he reluctant to part with ground to looking at the human life very much live for the dying that he cries.The Yan king saw soul one eye saying:The probably current death is a good piece matter to you, can if you not want to make the parents sad, you can try to live 10-year soul mental state again in fact very happy, but face top but pretend dispassion ground to say:Ah!That is all right, I live a decade again, however this becomes busy for the sake of the life of the parents of my human life this 10-year soul, every day for the sake of studies burned, is plusing puberty annoyance and worry, the parents are endless loquacious, let him feel to live boringly.When he lead a 20-year-old birthday quickly, he fancied a girl.He doesn't dare to vindicate, he knows that his own life span shalls arrive soon, so he the cent outside cherish and girl together of time. The girl also equally likes him, at he 20-year-old birthday which God trend he vindicates.He finishes listenning to the felling is happy as well as bitter and astringent, he departed from this life in this time, when the soul leaves a moment of body, he hears the voice that the girl cries bitterly, heart's being like is torn to pieces a general pain.He frightenedly arrived at Yan in front king to say:I deplore greatly of dropped the Yan smile king's ground to say for the quick dead:You are dead, so need not be worried that the soul suddenly kneels in the Yan imprecation way of in front king:The adult begs you and give me the life again!I really can not let go to love my girl Yan Wang Shuo:I pour to feel now and die to you to is a good matter, if you continue on the hoof probably will bear much difficulties, you are to don't want to bear the soul loudly say:Not, I want to return to, which afraid she hereafter will shift the love to another person, I also not want to see her this a moment of sad that the Yan king helplessly shakes to say:That is all right!I give you the life soul in decade again to finish listenning to shake to say repeatedly:Not not, the decade isn't enough, I think with girl together during a lifetime and ignore hereafter live will have what difficult Yan king sighed to at a stretch say:That is all right!However you if regret, I will take away your life soul to loudly say at any time:I can't regret forever so the soul re- lived to come over and embraced each other with girl at together.Connect down a day inside, his needing face not only list is a fine love.He wants to make money to support family after getting married, the care advances in years of parents, life of the heavy burden all press a while at his shoulder up.Time that didn't pause for breath at 1:00 for him, he the labor that can try very hard to make money,St. Louis Rams Fitted Hat so as to maintain financial situation.However again bitter again tired he doesn't dare to complain what, afraid Yan the king take away his life after hearing.Hence he more progressively faces a life than the other people and always roar with laughter of face the whole difficulties, until die a dry death.                                                             
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