Beijing the prosecution on the eu aviation "carbon tax" case, in Beijing time 21 night confirmed. Comprehensive announced report, the European court for a ruling: the eu practices in violation of the relevant international neither tariff act, not to violate the airspace of the opening of the agreement. The case is due to the global airline industry, this means that, starting from the next year, the eu can pass in and out of all European countries airport flight, a carbon tax collection. Many accept the economic reference news reporter interview with the expert points out, China should adopt the American collection airlines "carbon data" practice, work well to the eu trade counterspell preparation.snapback hats China air transport association (hereinafter referred to as "catic association") vice secretary general ChaiHaiBo told reporters, catic association has Suggestions to the relevant departments of the state on measures to take "joint negotiations" and "trade counterspell" walk on two legs. National civil aeronautics administration relevant personage also has revealed that more department has established a joint conference mechanism, and make relevant solutions, once the plan approved will foreign disclosure. According to the European Union directive, from on January 1, 2012, almost all take off or land in the territory of the international air transport association activities need into the European emissions trading system, no matter whether the operator belongs to the eu member states. The international air transport association previous estimates, collecting the first year, in and out of the eu's airlines will therefore increase cost 3.5 billion euros, and this number will increase year by year. The United States, Russia, China and other countries of the European Union are the above measures against said. As early as in 2009, the air transport association and the three major airlines in Europe, filed the lawsuit said that the eu carbon control against the Chicago convention ", the Kyoto protocol and America and "open skies" bilateral agreement, and strongly oppose unilateral and cancel the European Union for carbon emissions fees plan. Beijing university of aeronautics research center of international law, assistant director of the YangCaiXia to reporters, and eu aviation "carbon tax" of the United Nations (the Po) framework convention on climate change. "The instructions for all countries, and, as a result, airlines will not need to assume the obligation of the mandatory cuts state airlines incorporated into the mandatory cuts; the instruction system fails to consider all airline's stage of development, no reasonable way to curb the at the stage of growth in the development of the airlines, the European Union to historic emissions based initial level distribution emissions, which actually make developing countries than in developed countries for more heavy commitments to cutting carbon emissions." YangCaiXia said. In China's case, the civil aviation experts are many home to reporters, despite the Kyoto protocol "common but differentiated responsibilities" as a "shield", but developing countries, especially China, following the United States sued the European Union, is not easy. Once the eu aviation "carbon tax" on time in collecting starting next year, catic association predicted that China civil aviation that it will pay a 2012 about 800 million yuan, to 2020 will increase to 3 billion yuan, "here nine years accumulative total spending about 17.6 billion yuan". ChaiHaiBo said, now the us a lawsuit, the Chinese side will need to adjust the litigation strategy. YangCaiXia proposal, the Chinese side prosecution may be diverted to fight "the eu unfair competition principle" brand. She DiaoYanYuan company policies and regulations LiJingYun argues that, once the aviation "carbon tax" on time collecting starting next year, China and the United States, can the court proceedings to WTO. According to the media reports, 16 U.S. transportation department of transportation notice nine eu shipping enterprises, 7 American aerospace enterprise, ask them to provide relevant European carbon emissions system influence of data. 8 zou jj revealed that the U.S. department of transportation replace NASA to deal with, secretary of state Hillary rodham Clinton, U.S. transportation secretary lahood wrote also more than the European commission, urged the latter will cancel the aviation industry into carbon emissions trading system planning. "The American experience for reference, China should the eu aviation 'carbon tax' level of should airlines, catic association, rise to civil aeronautics administration even cross department." 8 zou jj Suggestions. In trade counterspell,mlb jerseys YangCaiXia suggest that China can be in domestic airport flight based fuel consumption tax on how. To avoid the impact on local aviation industry, YangCaiXia also suggested, can consider to take on domestic airlines suspended collection, such as first levied back way. LiJingYun is introduced, some countries have run aground airbus aircraft to France to purchase orders, Russia threatened to collection of FeiHangFei double border. "China's aviation company also can play on the market trade joint aircraft the buyer of the power of the European Union, reduce the production of airbus aircraft procurement, the series to put pressure on the eu." LiJingYun said. YangCaiXia suggest, though China in the short term by international negotiations, start to seek the judicial relief, as well as to the eu member states aviation fuel consumption tax collection means to deal with the implementation of the order, but in the long run, build domestic market mechanism is the fundamental solution.

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